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Kinetic Cartography
Landscape Simulation
Summer Studio | MSAUD | UCLA 2022-23
Instructor - Tucker van Leuwen-Hall
Collaborators - Zhiyang Guo, Wei-Huan Cheh, Sean Meng
Kinetic Cartography deals with observing the landscapes of four different places from the world and creating one unique landscape by amalgamating their identities into one. Here, the merged landscapes of Diamantina River (Australia), Melong River(Cambodia), Dubai and Prague led to dynamic results.
StyleGAN Plan
Prague, Czech Republic
Melong River, Cambodia
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Diamantina River, Australia
The process involves using StyleGan and Octane Render to morph the maps into one result that is then made dynamic thereby reflecting features of all the locations to create one single plan.
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